Jen Marlowe
Jen is a documentary filmmaker, writer, and the founder of Donkeysaddle Projects.
Jen’s films include There Is A Field, Witness Bahrain, Remembering the Gaza War, Rebuilding Hope: Sudan’s Lost Boys Return Home and Darfur Diaries: Message From Home. Her books include I Am Troy Davis, The Hour of Sunlight: One Palestinian’s Journey from Prisoner to Peacemaker and Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival.
Jen identifies first and foremost as a social justice/human rights activist and considers her filming and writing to be tools of her activism. When not found filming, writing, protesting, or engaged in other forms of resistance to state and structural violence, she can be found backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail or talking aloud to photos of Slider and Sadie, her neph-pup and niece-pup. She has human nieces and nephews (three of them biologically related and is an auntie to many others across the globe) whom she also adores.
Jen goes by she/her pronouns and lives and works on unceded Duwamish territory in what is now known as Seattle.